1.0 The CCE applicant must not have a criminal record as defined by the ISFCE. The ISFCE Certification Body will not certify an individual with certain types of criminal records (defined below).
2.0 An examiner with a criminal record may result in credibility issues in professional settings.
3.0 ISFCE definition of a criminal record relating to certification:
3.1 A conviction within or outside the United States of any sexually related offense or crime of moral turpitude
3.2 A conviction within or outside the United States of any crime that is classified as a felony or of which the resulting penalty is 1 year or more of imprisonment
3.2.1 If no sentence is received, the possible maximum sentence in the jurisdiction where the conviction occurred is the deciding factor
3.3 Any conviction for sexual battery or similar sexual offense of which the resulting sentence could be less than 1 year of imprisonment
4.0 The CCE certified individual must not be convicted of a criminal offense, as defined above, after receiving certification.
4.1 Conviction of such an offense while certified will result in revocation of certification.
4.2 Individuals currently serving a sentence for such an offense will not be considered as a CCE candidate.
4.3 Individuals seeking CCE certification with a historical conviction clearly indicated during the application process will be considered on a case by case basis by the ISFCE Certification Board.